Enhancing the Science of Social Work and Expanding Social Work Research in Transitional Countries
Wendy Ashley, Psy.D, LCSW; James T. Decker, Ph.D, LCSW; Shorena Sadzaglishvili, Ph.D, MSW; Nina Priebe, LCSW

This article compares the status of social work as ascience within American and European contexts and examines methods of increasing the visibility of social work as a science in transitional countries. Focusing on Georgia, the former Soviet Union Country where social work is a newly established discipline and the Georgia doctoral program at Ilia State University, we highlight the needs and priorities for social work doctoral education and its influence on development of the profession and science of social work.In addition, social work research characteristics are reviewed, prioritizing the most relevanttypes of research to build models for bridging the science and service communities that directly affect service provision across different social work sectors. Strategies for developing social work research scholarship and expanding the mission of social work within professional organizations to include evidenced-based translational research are provided.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jssw.v5n2a3