Contribution of NGOs to the Reputation of Companies. the Example of the Togolese Consumers Association (A.T.C.)
Penn Laré Batouth

From a perspective of the sociology of organizations, the main objective of this research is to determine to what extent advocacy NGOs really have power over corporate reputations. Thus, like the work carried out in economic sociology and organizational science, this research examines the societal role of NGOs (lobbying, social network, trust) in the reputation of companies. The methodology adopted is based on documentary research and semi-structured interviews conducted with somemembers of the Togolese Consumers Association (ATC) and representatives of large companies in Togo. The results obtained show that if advocacy NGOs are not the only groups engaged in lobbying on companies, the types and practices of communication that they put in place in order to change social and environmental behavior make them a very influentialactor.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jssw.v9n1a7