An Alternative for Combating Unemployment
Andreas N. Lytras

The main argument of this article is that there is a real and effective proposal on combating unemployment. This isn’t an analysis of the problem and the economic causes of unemployment. This is an approach of fast resolution of the problem, when there are “explosive” conditions of unemployment within a national state or a broader region, in which couldn’t be implemented any known policy on combating unemployment. The radical approach expresses a synthesis of three elements, which is indisputably new for the social support systems and political analysis. The first element is that the “independent or autonomous” type of worker is the exclusive lever of activation of the unemployed persons in every of the aforementioned conditions. The second element is that the stock holders, who act as investors in this adventure, are not necessary to play simultaneously the role of active entrepreneurs or employers. The third element is the additional but active role of state’s assistance, for combating unemployment. The workers in this approach are not wage laborers and the financiers of the endeavor are not true entrepreneurs. However, the private financing is feasible and the unemployed people could be included in employment, within capitalism. The financing of this endeavor is complemented by the contribution of consumers of the offered services. Therefore the social solidarity well balances with the regular transactional ethics in market. One last element it is worth to be mentioned. The local authorities as the representatives of the public space are the coordinators of the impersonal procedure. The proposal is constructed on the idea for the (preferable for the writer) future single status of worker: the autonomous or independent worker or producer. The proposition on combating unemployment has not as prerequisite the generalization of the abovementioned single status. However, the concrete status, in my view, has such virtues, which could and should help for the overcoming of the period of high unemployment in countries with explosive economic problems, while they have not the necessary fiscal sovereignty, like Greece, Spain, Portugal or even Italy.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jssw.v4n2a7