“I Hit My Rock Bottom”: A Qualitative Analysis of Narratives Seeking Financial Assistance for Addiction through GoFundMe.com
Monica Bixby Radu, Ph.D. Lisa McManus Rodriguez, Ph.D

This study qualitatively explores how individuals frame their requests for assistance through the crowdfunding website, GoFundMe.com when seeking financial support for someone struggling with drug or alcohol addiction. With a focus on the intersection of lack of social capital and the stigma surrounding addiction, this study investigates the ways in which individuals navigate these barriers while seeking help for themselves or their loved ones. Through thematic analysis, the study uncovers the strategies, language, and narratives employed by individuals to solicit support through the crowdfunding platform. By examining the framing of requests for assistance, the study contributes to a deeper understanding of the social dynamics surrounding addiction, help-seeking behavior, and the role of online platforms in addressing the needs of individuals and families affected by addiction. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of addressing stigma and building social support to facilitate recovery in populations struggling with addiction.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jssw.v12n1a2