Effectiveness of Internal Control Procedures on Management Efficiency of Free Primary Education Funds: a case of Public Primary schools in Kisii central District, Kenya
Simeyo Otieno, Eliud Onyiego Nyangechi
Journal of Sociology and Social Work, 1(1), pp. 22-41.

Concerns over misappropriation and misuse of Free Primary Education funds have been raised by parents, the government and donors despite the increased funding. It is not clear the extent of use of internal control procedures in public primary schools are contributing to this state of affairs. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to establish the effectiveness of internal control procedures on management efficiency of FPE funds in public primary schools in Kisii Central District. The study was guided by the stewardship theory which advocates for integrity, transparency and accountability. The study targeted 267 respondents comprising of 132 head teachers, 132 SMCs chairpersons and 3 District Education staff in Kisii Central District, Kisii County, from which a random sample of 117 was taken for study. The findings of the study revealed that use of internal control procedures are effective on management efficiency of funds in schools and therefore recommends embracing enhanced internal control procedures in their resolve to efficient management.

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Otieno, Simeyo., & Nyangechi, Onyiego Eliud. (2013). Effectiveness of Internal Control Procedures on Management Efficiency of Free Primary Education Funds: a case of Public Primary schools in Kisii central District, Kenya. Journal of Sociology and Social Work, 1(1), pp. 22-41.

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Simeyo Otieno is a an assistant Lecturer in the department of Finance and Accounting, school of Business and Economics - Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University Of Science and Technology (Kenya). He holds a Bachelor of Education, a Master of Business Administration-both from Egerton University (Kenya) and currently Persuing a PhD in Business Administration –Finance at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology.

Eliud Onyiego Nyangechi
P.O. Box 516 -40200 Kisii-Kenya